Friday, October 30, 2009

10 Things I Would Love to Have for My Birthday

I'm all about my birthday, so this is probably the easiest list I could possibly put together. Let's get started...

1. Everyone I know and love in one room having a good time. Every year I wish for this, but the reality is it will never come true. With everyone spread so far apart, it's difficult to get everyone together. So the next best thing is just hearing from everyone in some way on that day. I usually leave all the voicemails until they're automatically erased and I keep texts, emails and cards. Guess I'm just a sentimental goof.

2. Halloween for my birthday. It's my favorite day of the year and I always dreamed of having a Halloween birthday part where everyone dressed up. Unfortunately, it's a little weird to be celebrating the Day of the Dead in April--you know with Easter and all. I think the Easter Bunny would be very upset. So, I thought having kids born in October would be the next best thing so I could throw them really fun Halloween birthday parties. But I don't have kids. Oh well, so much for Plan B.

3. Strawberry pie. Instead of birthday cake I'd rather my pie from Marie Callender's. Don't get me wrong, I love cake, but I really love this pie and it's only available for a limited time during the year. I can get my mint chip/chocolate cake Baskin Robbins cake anytime.

4. Clark Kent. I apologize, I'm sort of on a Smallville high, which is why this bumbling reporter has been added to the list. A boy a lot like Clark Kent would be ideal. I've never had a boyfriend on my birthday, so I think this would be a nice change, don't you think? Plus, CK is could you not love him?

5. My favorite shows on TV back to back. I always loved it when my birthday fell on a day that either had my favorite show airing or a movie I really wanted to see come out in the theaters. It's the little things that make me happy.

6. The puppies. I love all the puppies in my life so it'd be awesome if they were all together, like #1. How fun would that be?

7. Peace of mind. I spend most of the year worrying about this or that, but for one day I'd like to not worry about anything. I would like to not make decisions. I would not like to have stress. I just want to be carefree and spend my time smiling rather than deep in thought or frowning.

8. Fun. This is pretty much related to #7. I want to have fun and forget that I'm a responsible adult. Sometimes it's good to just be a kid again, even if it's only for one day.

9. A kickass entertainment system. It's no secret that I love my television, so a hooked up system would be a dream. I'd force all my friends to watch my favorite shows on my day. LOL!

10. A winning lottery ticket. It'd be nice to have the money so I could take care of everyone. My family wouldn't have to worry about paying bills. My grandma could come home so I could take care of her the way she took care of me. The children in my life (and their parents) would never have to worry about whether or not they could pay for college. My friends could have more fun days in their lives. The organizations I care about could get a helping hand. I know money doesn't buy happiness, but it does make it easier to help others.

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