Monday, November 30, 2009

Time off

Prompt: What is the worst part of getting time off work or school?

Going back to work. The countless emails you have to go through, the work you need to catch up on, the daily grind, the same lunch food--all of it combined just doesn't make the whole thing appealing. I'd rather stay on vacation. Work sucks.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

A pear, a bowl of strawberries, and a camelia blossom.

All three looked perfect together as a centerpiece on her perfect Thanksgiving table. It was their first official Thanksgiving together as a couple and she wanted to make it as picture perfect as possible. They'd wanted to go home to see their families during the holiday, but they knew they needed to save money and Christmas would be here soon enough. They could wait. So she decided to cook a dinner with all the fixings on a much smaller scale. The last thing she needed was enough leftovers to last them until Christmas.

She took a step back from her creation and smiled. This would be the perfect Thanksgiving.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

What manifestations of abundance are present in your life today?

I seem to have an abundance of anxiety, which is evident by my tense shoulders, sore jaw, rash and headaches. Yes, I need this Friday over and done with, so there's no more anticipation and I can just focus on the aftermath. I know I should complain about something so insignificant. I'm very thankful that my year wasn't as drama-filled as it could have been because I know others who would classify 2009 as their worst year ever. Yes, I'm had my share of downs, but I'm alive, healthy and getting by--which seems to be a lot this year. Now, I need to go to sleep because I feel as though my immune system is tired of fighting and I definitely don't want to be ill for Friday's extractions.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

A moldy jack-o-lantern falls off the front porch step... she walks up the stairs for the first time in months. There's very little she remembers from that night, and a small part of her is thankful for her Swiss-cheese memory. The other part desperately wants to know what happened that night. Her shrink thinks coming back here will help stir her memories. She's not sure if knowing the truth will help her sanity or make her crazier.

The stairs creak as she walks up them and for some reason she can vaguely remember that detail; it feels like deja vu. Remnants of the yellow police tape are scattered on the porch and it looks like no one has touched this place since that night. She's not ready to go in yet, so she walks along the porch, touching the railing as if it'll spark something in her and tell her what she needs to know. Unfortunately, nothing comes of it except for a few blackened fingers from the dirt that's accumulated on the the once white wood.

She takes a deep breath and shuts her eyes. She remembers the smell of the crisp fall air from that night even though it's already summer. Her eyes open and she feels she's ready to walk right into the abandoned house of nightmares. There's a chance that once she walks through that door her brain will experience memory overload, but she doesn't care. She knows she needs to do this, face that tragic night again, in order to move forward with her life. She reaches for the knob, but before her hand even touches it the door flies open and she's plunged into darkness once again.

Monday, November 23, 2009

What is the farthest you traveled from home as a child? Describe the experience.

The Philippines. I don't remember much about the early trips, but I do remember visiting family and an attachment I felt to the place. I wasn't born there, but every time I visit, it kind of feels like going home.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

What was the last CD you bought?

The Glee Soundtrack.

I tend to favor soundtracks for some reason. If you look at my CD collection you'll see a majority of them are soundtracks. I suppose it's because of my love of TV and film. Songs remind me of certain scenes and feelings, and I suppose that's why I tend to gravitate toward them. I absolutely had to have the Glee soundtrack because I love the songs, the singers have great voices and every song reminds me of a great scene or performance. Here's a rundown of the entire CD:

1. Don't Stop Believin': The greatness of the show. They sing this song at the end of the pilot episode and this solidifies the establishment of the Glee club.
2. Can't Fight This Feelin': Reminds me of Finn and Rachel.
3. Gold Digger: Mr. Schuester trying to teach the kids to dance. I busted up laughing when I first saw this performance. This was when I realized Mr. S had some moves.
4. Take a Bow: Finn rejects Rachel. I could totally feel Rachel's heartbreak.
5. Bust Your Windows: Mercedes gets pissed off at Kurt because she's in love with him and he lies and says he has a thing with Rachel.
6. Taking Chances: Rachel's star performance.
7. Alone: Mr. Schuester's awesome karaoke duet with the amazing Kristen Chenowith--in a bowling alley.
8. Maybe This Time: The amazing Kristen Chenowith doing another duet with Rachel. Kristen's character is auditioning for the glee club and Rachel is practicing as the star of Cabaret.
9. Somebody to Love: The club's performance in front of the school after Rachel joins them again.
10. Hate on Me: Mercedes flexes her golden pipes.
11. No Air: You can see the sparks between Finn and Rachel as they perform their duet.
12. You Keep Me Hangin' On: The first time we see Quinn with her own solo as she practices with the Cheerios. I kind of feel sorry for her in this scene.
13. Keep Holding On: Another Finn and Rachel duet.
14. Bust a Move: Mr. S trying to teach the kids the fine art of the mash-up. I love how he totally digs old school hip hop.
15. Sweet Caroline: Our dear Puck trying to win the heart of Rachel with this Neil Diamond classic.
16. Dancing with Myself: A great Artie solo. It's amazing what he can do in a wheelchair.
17. Defying Gravity: The diva-off between Kurt and Rachel. Love this song and their rendition of it.
18. I Wanna Sex You Up: Mr. S and the Acafellas strutting their stuff on the stage. I could not stop laughing!
19. I Could Have Danced All Night: Mr. S. and Ms. Pillsbury dancing in the bridal boutique. They totally have chemistry and her bridal look was flawless.
20. The episode in which this appears and not been aired yet. I can't wait.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Behaving childishly was an art form to them but like everything else it was a means to an end.

How else were they supposed to get what they wanted? It was proven to work time and time again, so they saw no reason to stop. They were entitled to everything. Their money could get them anything regardless of how they acted. Cause a scene in one of the hottest clubs and they got immediate entrance...

Blah...who amy I kidding? I got nothing today. Maybe I can try again tomorrow.

Friday, November 20, 2009

10 Things that Make Me Laugh

1. My sister
2. The eTrade singing babies
3. The kitten mittens from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia
4. Funny accents
5. The Office
6. Barney Stinson from HIMYM
7. The scene from Harold & Kumar where they're singing Hold On by Wilson Phillips
8. Glee
9. The puppies
10. Video footage of my drunk friend

Thursday, November 19, 2009

The shy rhinocerous that went to an enchanted forest...

...felt like he was walking into a dream of pretty sparkles and fairy dust. He saw birds in trees singing and furry little animals hopping across his path welcoming him to this beautiful place. It was much better than where he'd just came from--more friendly and happy. The tall trees provided shade from the hot sun and a nearby lake offered cool water for playing and frolicking. Yes, he knew he'd be happy here, and maybe he wouldn't be so shy anymore.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Burning with the creative fire, I...

Look like Medusa? I suppose if I really had the creative fire burning within me my hair would look like this, a crazy mess.  Sadly, no fire burning today. Sure, there are flickers but nothing that ever becomes a full-blown brush fire. I'm notorious for being one of those people who can start something, but actually finishing it is a whole different story. I never really thought I had a short attention span, but maybe I do. Or maybe I just run out of steam. I probably need to learn to pace myself and not get distracted. it Friday yet?

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

She left behind a Pez dispenser and a pair of pink underwear.

Scratch that...her vintage Popeye Pez dispenser and her favorite pair of pink underwear. Now her stupid, annoying ex-boyfriend was holding them for ransom. She was never having break-up sex again--ever. What was she thinking?! She could let the undies go, but she had to get that Pez dispenser back. There was no way she could let that valuable memento go--it was too special to her. So instead of giving into his demands, which included getting back together, she was going to have to find another way to get her prized possession back form the pathetic little pain in her ass.

Why he wanted her back, she had no idea. They fought all the time and toward the end they could barely stand each other. Her little moment of weakness last night only happened because she returned a box of his things and they got caught up in remembering the good times. After a few beers she was throwing her favorite underwear across the room and riding him like one of those mechanical bulls. She shook in disgust at the thought and made a mental note to refrain from drinking in his presence. The dispenser must have flown out of her purse when she tried to make a quick escape without waking him.

Fortunately for her, his roommate was a total doll and texted her as soon as he left the apartment. Now she was back at the scene of the crime. She took a deep breath and knocked on the door hoping he hadn't taken it with him. When the door opened she was greeted by a room full of people yelling, "Surprise!"

Monday, November 16, 2009


Prompt: What is the best thing about Mondays?

It's an awesome TV night. It's the only thing that keeps me sane on a Monday. I look forward to HIMYM, OTH, GG, Heroes and Trauma. The provide me with the perfect escape from the Mondays, because I hate Mondays.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

10 reasons I would (or wouldn't) want to be famous

Why I wouldn't want to be famous:

1. Lack of prviacy
2. Not knowing if people actually like you or your fame
3. More money more problems
4. Paparazzi
5. Always needing to look good 24/7
6. Interviews
7. Being around people all the time
8. Problems with safety issues
9. Not knowing who to trust
10. Lack of free time

Saturday, November 14, 2009

He was the picture of health. Which was amazing considering his lifestyle.

He spent most of his time drinking and partying his nights away. Yes, he was living the dream...a different girl every night and an endless supply of money to maintain his opulent lifestyle. It was a mystery to everyone how he'd accumulated so much money and managed to live past the age of 30. Many speculated that he must have sold his soul Satan. Others figured he'd inherited the money from a wealthy relative and used it to make sure he always looked his very best. Many stories had made the rounds, but no one knew for sure who this mystery man really was and no one really cared to find out. It seemed as if everyone was under his spell.

Friday, November 13, 2009

10 lessons that I have learned so far in my life are...

1. No one is perfect, including yourself.
2. What goes around comes around.
3. Money doesn't buy you happiness, but it does make you comfortable.
4. There are some people who come into your life for a short period of time and others who remain for a lifetime.
5. Everything happens for a reason.
6. People aren't mind readers. You have to say something if you want to be heard.
7. People can surprise you.
8. There's no place like home.
9. You're in charge of your own happiness.
10. It's OK to make mistakes as long as you learn from them.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

The tired pilot that went to the laundromat...

...had been flying a lot of hours this week. He'd been so busy working he barely had time to wash his own clothes, well, his underwear in particular. Sure, he could have just handed them over to the hotel when they picked up his uniform, but he had this thing about other people washing his underwear. It just didn't sit well with him. He knew it was completely ridiculous, but it was his thing. He didn't trust anyone else to wash his underwear.

As he dragged himself into the nearby laundromat, he looked around and realized he was so exhausted he couldn't even remember which city he was in at the moment. He really needed a full night's sleep before he boarded that plane tomorrow morning. He quickly threw his belongings into a washer then bought a small cup of coffee at the nearby Starbucks. He needed a small boost to keep him awake for the next hour, just long enough for him to get his laundry done.

He tried focusing on the newspaper he bought, but he found his mind wandering. Apparently watching other people seemed much more interesting to him than catching up on current events. The first thing he noticed was the mother in the corner trying to fold mountains of clothes while keeping her children in check. She looked even more exhausted than him. He decided she was a single mom, although he hadn't figured how she became one, trying to make ends meet by working two jobs. This was her only day off and she was spending it doing chores.

In another corner of the laundromat was a couple playfully flirting with each other as they waited for their clothes to dry. The guy was seated in one of the chairs with his arm draped over the back of the girl's chair. Her legs were draped across his as they swung back and forth. They were staring at each other with those goofy kids-in-love smiles while they talked. Every once in a while they would lean in for a kiss, but always broke it off before it got too hot and heavy. At least they were somewhat aware of their surroundings, he thought.

He glance outside and saw that it started to rain. He'd have to check the weather channel when he got back to his hotel room. He prayed the rain would go away before his flight tomorrow. Settling into his chair once again he tried to find a comfortable position and attempted to read his paper again. He looked down and noticed for the first time that it said The Dallas Morning News. Apparently he was in Dallas.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Things aren't always what they seem to be.

Something in her stirred and she found sleep had escaped her. She carefully slipped from underneath the warmth of the comforter and grabbed the throw blanket at the end of the bed to shield her from the cold draft. The cabin was all windows revealing the blanket of white outside. The light from the moon was enough for her to maneuver the wooden staircase that led to the kitchen. Although she had her fuzzy slippers and blanket, the thin nightgown underneath did nothing to insulate her body. Deciding that a cup of hot tea was what she needed to warm her up and put her to sleep again, she went about making it with minimal noise. Once she was done she made herself comfortable in the oversized chair by the window.

She was glad the full moon decided to show its face tonight. From a very young age she was always fascinated by it, intrigued by the stories about full moons did to people and animals. In those stories, the full moon always brought about chaos and extreme change within a person, but for her it had the opposite effect. It always seemed to bring about a calm within her that nothing else could until now.

“Couldn’t sleep?”

She nodded, knowing he’d come looking for her when he reached for her and only found a cold, lumpy pillow. He walked over to her wrapped inside his own blanket. He looked much like a little boy with his hair ruffled and the sleep still present in his eyes. She moved a little to make room for him. Sliding in easily, he enveloped her into his warm cocoon.

“If I’d known it was going to be this cold tonight, I would have started a fire. I think my feet are frozen.”

Rubbing her feet along his to warm him, she teased “And you were the one making fun of my fuzzy slippers. I bet you wish you bought that pair now.”

“Nah, this is much better.”

She snuggled further into him, hoping the beat of his heart and his even breaths would help lull her to sleep. Snow began to fall outside, creating a living photograph within their picture window. She never thought in a million years she would actually learn to appreciate the snow, even love it.

From day one, she and snow were far from what you would call friends. She found it hard to see the beauty in it when she had to trudge through it to class. Or when it turned into ice and caused her to fall on her ass numerous times. What she really enjoyed was when it soaked her through to the bone, causing her to sneeze and sniff through much of the winter. Each year it gave her a hard time, never relenting in its constant teasing and taunting. Then one day something changed.

She discovered the fun in making snow angels, building a snowman and having snowball fights. She found that long walks in the snow with the right person could be magical. But most of all she loved watching the snow fall outside while she found warmth inside.

“Did you know I used to hate the snow?”


“When I was a little girl I used to wish I was a bear so I could sleep through it. Spring could never get here soon enough.”

“And why am I hearing this now after all these years? Were you pretending all this time for my sake?”

She looked up at him, confusion in his eyes and a gleam of playfulness in hers. “Nope. I fell in love with it the day I met you.”

And she had. The moment he’d launched the first snowball at her, she knew she was in love.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

She wants to know all the details, no matter how sick they make her feel.

She wanted to help. She'd heard so many good things about this organization. It allowed her to use her brain in ways that she never could at work. She could analyze, look at things from different perspectives, create theories and stories that could possibly lead to solutions. It exercised her brain while allowing her to do something good with her time...with her life.

Unfortunately, she'd forgotten the down side to trying to identify John and Jane Does. The part that involved looking at photos of dead bodies and recreating the ways in which they were murdered. Yes, this was the crappy part of the job and she wasn't sure how much more she could endure. Every case seemed to weaken her, but she'd pushed through it, determined to keep her cool and find an answer in one of the clues.

This case in particular had hit her on a personal level. There was something about this girl she identified with and no matter how gory the details, she was determined to hang in there and find out who she was so they could bring her home. Her body had been beaten and bruised to the point where even her face was unrecognizable. She was young, barely 15, and you could tell she'd tried to hang on to her innocence for as long as she could judging from the amount of Hello Kitty jewelry she wore. The coroner's and police reports confirmed that she'd been abused and tortured in ways that were so completely inhuman she couldn't believe that someone was capable of such atrocities. As she read the reports she battled between breaking down in sobs and running to the bathroom to throw up.

No, she wouldn't give up. No matter how much the details disturbed her she knew she had to find the strength to see this case through to the very end. The girl needed a name and her family needed her back home again. What did she need? A purpose.

Monday, November 9, 2009


Prompt: Imagine you have hired a skywriter. What message will the plane "write" on the sky, and where will it fly?

Hmmmm...the funny thing is, the only thing coming to mind is "I love John Cho" and I'd have it fly everywhere. LOL! I guess I'm just so used to saying that now that he has a weekly show. Before I could say it when he had a new movie coming out. I really do love John Cho. He's totally cool. :)

Sunday, November 8, 2009

How would you spend a found $20 bill?

If the $20 bill wasn't claimed by anyone and I was instructed to spend it on myself, I'd probably treat myself to a movie and dinner, or maybe a vintage Superman tee. Otherwise it's probably going toward paying my bills. The reality is that times are tough economically, so every little bit helps. Ideally, I'd like to drop it in a Salvation Army Santa's bucket on the street, but like I said...right now that $20 could pay for my bus tickets, gas bill or water bill. Sometimes being a responsible adult in the real world sucks.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

There was nothing he could do to escape me. Not with this lipstick and that bag. Oh and the tazer.

Yes, the tazer would help if things got a little out of hand. Once she put the finishing touches on her partner and made sure everything was just right, she stepped back to admire her work.

"I look ridiculous," her partner said.

"No, you look hot," she couldn't help giggling.

They'd gone undercover a few nights ago as hookers to try to lure in one of their suspects. Never in a million years did they think he'd choose her partner over her. She figured the perp had a thing for somewhat masculine women. When the guys at the station heard they news, their teasing was relentless. Unfortunately for Jake, there was no way for him to get out of the situation. In order to get the guy, he had to keep up the act.

"Trust me, that shade of red on your lips will have him spilling his secrets before you even have to get personal with the guy." Not holding in the laughter any longer, she bent over as it overtook her, making her shoulders shake.

"I'm glad you're getting a kick out of this whole thing. This is the last time I let you talk me into one of your stupid ideas," he angrily spat out as he crossed his arms over his chest and tapped his Christian LaBoutin covered foot.

"Relax. The bag has a bug and a tazer inside. The guy gets too frisky and you can just call for backup or shock the hell out of him. Hell, all you have to do is get him in a choke hold. You tower over the little guy."

Grabbing the bag with a little attitude, Jake slung it over his shoulder and took one last look in the mirror before adjusting his wig and opening the door. Before he stepped out he said, "Just so you know, your lipstick makes me look like a whore."

"That's the point!" she yelled before falling back on the bed in fits of giggles.

Friday, November 6, 2009

10 things that I believe in are...

1. People are generally good. Although I may be a self-proclaimed pessimist at times, I do believe in people, especially the ones who surround me. I like to think that every person I encounter is good, well, up until they prove me wrong. When that happens, I can hold a grudge like no other person. I suppose it's because I believe in the good in people, and when I'm wrong, it's like a blow to me--something I take personally.

2. Everything happens for a reason. There's no rhyme or reason to life. Things constantly happen that we can't make sense of at the time, but then those reasons become crystal clear later on down the road. Sometimes this frustrates to no end, but I find comfort in knowing that one day I'll have an answer.

3. What goes around comes around. I firmly believe in karma, which is probably why I'm so scared to do something that could bite me in the ass one day. When you put good energy out into the world, it's bound to come back to you in some way, shape or form. The same goes with bad energy, which is why I try to be careful. The last thing I need to to do is piss off the karma gods.

4. The importance of family. I admit that when I was younger the only thing I wanted to do was run away from my family. Hell, sometimes I still get that feeling. But the reality is I don't know where I'd be without them. When you lose a member of that family, nothing is ever the same. Things change--not necessarily for better or worse, it's just different from what you've always known and that can be a tough thing to deal with. I admit, there are days when I miss the way things used to be, which is probably why appreciate my family more each day.

5. The best things in life are never easy. Good things never just fall into your lap or knock on your door. You have to work to get those things. Then, once you get them, you need to fight like hell to keep them.

6. Laughter is the best medicine. I love to laugh and I firmly believe it cures everything. How many of us have had bad days, but instantly found ourselves 10X better after watching something funny on TV or witnessing one of your friends doing something that was pure comedy? I believe in its power. It totally works.

7. The sanctity of marriage. With the divorce rate at 50% it's hard to believe in marriage anymore, but I do. I don't think it's something that should be entered into lightly and I don't think people should it expect it to end one day. When you get married you should expect that's forever, and if it's not...if you doubt it is, then don't get married.

8. Hard work. I think that anything worth having takes hard work. In order to appreciate it, we have to work hard for it otherwise we take if for granted.

9. Love. Although the way I currently live my life suggests that I don't really believe this, I think deep down I do. Romance, falling in love, finding the one...I think it all exists. It's just a matter of doing whatever it takes to find it, and I don't think everyone's willing to do that in order to get it. Right now that's me. Not sure when that'll change.

10. God. I may not always agree with my religion, but I do believe there is a higher power. It's the only thing that can explain everything we see around us.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

What changes have come to this land, from the days of unfenced wilderness to modern roads and power lines?

It all looked so different. What he remembered from his childhood was not what he was seeing now. Once upon a time he played in green fields and climbed trees that littered its perimeter. Horses grazed on the grass and galloped across this land. Even in winter, the snow created a beautiful winter wonderland where he made snow angels and snowmen. But those years were long gone. He'd left when there was nothing left for him here, never once looking back. Now that he was back to tie up loose ends, he couldn't believe how much everything had changed, including himself.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

A vending machine, a glass of root beer, and a green apple.

Today was supposed to be picture-prompt day, but I really wasn't comfortable with using a picture of a bug so I'm switching Wednesday and Thursday for this week only. Without further ado...

After hours of sitting in the hospital waiting room Tom's stomach rumbled, reminding him that it was time to eat. In an effort to silence it, he walked over to the vending machines to see what they had to offer. One contained all your regular choices--chips, candy, cookies, everything that could send your blood pressure soaring or put you in a diabetic coma. Considering he was starving, it all looked really good and he wanted one of each. Next he saw a machine filled with sandwiches, even a hot dog. He eyed the hot dog, wondering if he should try one. He knew they wouldn't be as good as the ones at the ballpark, but he suddenly found himself craving one as he looked at the picture. He could see himself taking a bite of it and downing a nice cold glass of root beer. His friends always made fun of him for not drinking a real beer, but he really loved root beer. It was his favorite drink.

Before he could make a decision, he felt someone grab his hand and put something in it. When he looked down he saw a shiny green apple. He looked up to see his wife staring at him and he gave her a questioning look. She replied, "I'm not going to miss seeing our grandson for the first time because you ate something bad and had to be checked into the hospital."

As she walked back to their chairs, he took a bite out of his apple while looking longingly at the treats in the vending machines, then made his way back to his wife.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Set a scene in a minor character's workplace.

The Sunday rush was in full swing. Kate was at the registers trying to ring up as many customers as she could, but it felt like the line just kept getting longer. At some point a customer came up to the register with a trash can with no price. From the corner of her eye she could see Kevin delivering something to the register, so before he could leave she immediately said, "Hey Kevin, could you do a favor for me?"

In the middle of the confusion and chaos he looked up at her with a somewhat perplexed, yet amused, look and asked, "What did you say? You want me to marry you?"

At that moment it felt like the whole store went silent and stood still. In that split second she wasn’t sure how to respond. So many possible things came to mind: "Yeah, you know, for the sake of our sofa," or "Yeah, I say we jet off to Vegas right now for a quickie," or "Yes, what better way to ask than during a line blitz? You gonna give me an answer or what?"

But as usual, Kate just looked at him like he was psycho, shook her head and repeated her question, "No, I asked if you could do me a favor."

He laughed, amused that he'd caught her off guard, and did as she requested. He was a nice guy, but she suspected he secretly took pleasure in teasing and tormenting her. Who was she kidding—everyone did.

Monday, November 2, 2009


Prompt: Write about a memory you have of playing sports as a child.

In elementary school we had these sports days called Field Day. There would be different sports stations set up and all the classes would rotate during the day. Kind of like the Olympics for kids. I ran the 100 yard dash and got first place. That was the first time I ever thought I could run fast.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Define love.

It's interesting that I got this prompt today. I've been thinking a lot about love lately, well, I guess the idea of love. I'm not sure how to define love. I feel like it's one of those words that has multiple meanings. What kind of love are we talking about--the love you have for your significant other, your child, your parents or a friend? Sometimes I think it simply cannot be defined, just felt. When you love someone you just know it. There's no clear indicator to let you know. There's no alarm that says, "Hey, buddy, you're in love now." There are no fireworks that spontaneously appear signaling that it's love. You feel it in a smile, a simply touch or a silent moment. It hits you when you least expect it and overwhelms you without being suffocating. When it's love, you just know.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

That was the last time he would say that to anyone.

You have nice hair? Even if the person really had nice hair, he would never utter those words again. He couldn't believe how much of an idiot he could be at times. The love of his life asks him what her best qualities are and all he can say is that she has nice hair? Pathetic. As she went back to filling out her online dating profile, he took a minute to look at her while mentally berating himself. But she did have nice hair--so nice he often wondered what it would be like to get his fingers tangled in it as he kissed her senseless. On the few occasions when he moved it out of her face or tucked it behind her ear he always marveled at how soft it was between his fingers. He loved how he could smell the faint scent of sweet gardenias from her shampoo when her head was close to his. He could never get enough of it. Yes, maybe he should have clarified that statement with those details, but he was flustered and he didn't want to expose his true his feelings if she didn't feel the same way. He wasn't brave enough...not yet.

Friday, October 30, 2009

10 Things I Would Love to Have for My Birthday

I'm all about my birthday, so this is probably the easiest list I could possibly put together. Let's get started...

1. Everyone I know and love in one room having a good time. Every year I wish for this, but the reality is it will never come true. With everyone spread so far apart, it's difficult to get everyone together. So the next best thing is just hearing from everyone in some way on that day. I usually leave all the voicemails until they're automatically erased and I keep texts, emails and cards. Guess I'm just a sentimental goof.

2. Halloween for my birthday. It's my favorite day of the year and I always dreamed of having a Halloween birthday part where everyone dressed up. Unfortunately, it's a little weird to be celebrating the Day of the Dead in April--you know with Easter and all. I think the Easter Bunny would be very upset. So, I thought having kids born in October would be the next best thing so I could throw them really fun Halloween birthday parties. But I don't have kids. Oh well, so much for Plan B.

3. Strawberry pie. Instead of birthday cake I'd rather my pie from Marie Callender's. Don't get me wrong, I love cake, but I really love this pie and it's only available for a limited time during the year. I can get my mint chip/chocolate cake Baskin Robbins cake anytime.

4. Clark Kent. I apologize, I'm sort of on a Smallville high, which is why this bumbling reporter has been added to the list. A boy a lot like Clark Kent would be ideal. I've never had a boyfriend on my birthday, so I think this would be a nice change, don't you think? Plus, CK is could you not love him?

5. My favorite shows on TV back to back. I always loved it when my birthday fell on a day that either had my favorite show airing or a movie I really wanted to see come out in the theaters. It's the little things that make me happy.

6. The puppies. I love all the puppies in my life so it'd be awesome if they were all together, like #1. How fun would that be?

7. Peace of mind. I spend most of the year worrying about this or that, but for one day I'd like to not worry about anything. I would like to not make decisions. I would not like to have stress. I just want to be carefree and spend my time smiling rather than deep in thought or frowning.

8. Fun. This is pretty much related to #7. I want to have fun and forget that I'm a responsible adult. Sometimes it's good to just be a kid again, even if it's only for one day.

9. A kickass entertainment system. It's no secret that I love my television, so a hooked up system would be a dream. I'd force all my friends to watch my favorite shows on my day. LOL!

10. A winning lottery ticket. It'd be nice to have the money so I could take care of everyone. My family wouldn't have to worry about paying bills. My grandma could come home so I could take care of her the way she took care of me. The children in my life (and their parents) would never have to worry about whether or not they could pay for college. My friends could have more fun days in their lives. The organizations I care about could get a helping hand. I know money doesn't buy happiness, but it does make it easier to help others.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

The alert grocery clerk that went out the door...

...knew he'd had enough. Surely there was more to life than scanning and bagging groceries all day. He knew it was a job, knew that he needed it to pay bills, but he needed his job to be more than that so he walked out. He shut down his register and just walked out the door. He knew he could have handled it better, but he also knew that if he didn't do it right then and there, he'd never leave. The constant beep of the price scanner would hypnotize him again. He would fall into the same fog he'd been in for the past year. No, he couldn't let that happen so he walked out, walked right out that door...and it felt good.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Honor one of the parts of you that love the holidays.

I have to say, this prompt is a little creepy. I suppose it's only appropriate since my favorite holiday is Halloween and it's a few days away. This prompt says to make a collage, but I'm just going to interpret it as a written collage rather than visual.

Why do I love Halloween of all the holidays? Why not Christmas or Thanksgiving? The answer is simple--because it's fun. There's no point to it. It's a time when everyone can just be kid--eat candy, dress up in funny costumes, play practical jokes and watch scary movies. I like that's not tied to emotions and moments that make you choke up and cry. It's a time to let loose and be anyone you want to be or do anything you want without feeling childish. Now, I'm not one to go all out and hit the party scene on Halloween. I mean, I would if I had people around who enjoyed it as much as me. Since I don't, I prefer to carry out my own fun little traditions. I enjoy decorating my home with pumpkins and ghosts. I buy bags of candy even though I'll only get one knock at the door. I rent scary movies and watch them in my Halloween PJs. I do look forward to one day living in an area where I can enjoy this holiday a little more. I look forward to taking my friends' kids out and watching them go door to door. As a kid I had the most fun on this one night, and I hope that one day I can pass that feeling on to someone else.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

That was a vicious wedding dress.

It felt like it was swallowing her whole. It's not that it was some poorly made dress made of that rough taffeta popular in the 80s. The reality was the dress was a beautiful designer creation made of the finest fabric and accented with the most delicate details. Yes, it was truly a vision tailor made to fit her every curve. But the minute the saleswoman finished zipping her up, she could feel it squeezing the life out of her. She saw her single life flash before her eyes and suddenly she couldn't breathe. She wasn't ready. She knew this, but apparently she needed a dress to pull her out of the land of denial. It made her face the truth of the situation, forced her to deal with it no matter how painful. Yes, it was a vicious wedding dress.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Bad Parents

Prompt: Write about a time as a kid that you thought you had bad parents/guardians. Looking back on it now do you agree with your former view of the situation?

Every time my parents left me, I thought they were being bad parents. But now I know they were just doing what the needed to do to get by--to give me the life they never had. I used to think it wasn't fair that I didn't see them all the time like other kids. But I know that wasn't how they wanted it.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Today when I put on my pants, I...

...wanted to take them off again. The only thing I wanted to do today was sleep. Although there were many things I needed to do today, the only thing I was interested in doing was having a lazy Sunday. Unfortunately, the need for toilet paper was too great, so I pulled on some pants and headed to my local Target. Once the errand was done I returned home and settled in for an afternoon of Battlestar Galactica. I wasn't looking forward to work on Monday, but I was intent on savoring every free minute I had today.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

I finally kicked down the noisy neighbors' door... find that they had moved out. All that was left was a recording of them arguing. On loop. At full volume.

I know I should've been happy to discover that they were finally gone, but I was even more annoyed with them. Instead of just leaving quietly, they had to make sure they got the last word in our bitter feud. As irrational as it may sound, I wanted revenge. I wanted the last word. No, they were not allowed to sneak away into the night and leave me with this insane gift. Realizing that the landlord probably hadn't done his final inspection of the apartment yet, I picked up the CD player they left behind, shut the door as best I could without actually touching it, and went back to my place. Surely, there was no way they were getting their security deposit after damaging their front door during the move.

10 Things that I Value About Life Are...

1. No day is ever the same
2. It can surprise you in good ways
3. How the little things make a big difference
4. There's beauty in almost everything if you look hard enough
5. Although few and far between, those perfect moments that make everything worth it
6. The bonds you make with people that last a lifetime
7. There's always something new to learn or discover
8. Even if you can't see it, there's always a silver lining
9. It's both simple and complicated
10. You control how you live it

Friday, October 23, 2009

A sleeping bag, a bowl of strawberries and
a pair of socks

Three Objects Prompt Generator: Write a story in which these three objects appear and are important.

She knew she should have taken the day off, or at least called in sick. She had no idea what she was thinking. Actually, she did. It was supposed to be an easy day--just one meeting and a proposal that needed to be submitted to a client by the end of the day. No big presentations. No back-to-back meetings. No schmoozy lunches. Piece of cake. She should have known better.

As she turned the key in the lock thoughts of her horrid day came flooding back into her mind. Her asshole of a boss decided he needed a presentation for his meeting tomorrow and thought saying something at 4 p.m. gave her sufficient time to put it together. So, instead of enjoying an amazing meal with her husband at one of the finest restaurants in town, she was stuck eating a boring turkey sandwich and some stale chips in front of her computer. The only thing she wanted to do once she walked through that door was change into her comfy PJs and sink into her warm bed.

"Honey, I'm home," she shouted as soon as she crossed the threshold. Turning to throw her keys into the bowl near the door, the first thing she noticed was how quiet it was in the house. She thought for sure her husband would be on the couch watching sports highlights on ESPN.

She threw her stuff by the door, glad to be rid of everything that reminded her of work, and walked up the stairs to their room. She figured he was probably tucked into bed sleeping soundly or reading a book while he waited up for her. Nope, he wasn't there either. Before searching the rest of the house, she decided to pull on her PJs and pull her hair out of her face into a ponytail. Feeling a little more relaxed she decided to venture downstairs and see if he was working in his office.

On her way, something caught her eye outside the kitchen window. "What's he doing out there?" she whispered to herself. The minute she got to the French doors, a small smile appeared on her face. There was her husband sitting in the middle of their yard with a million candles surrounding him. As she approached him, she saw that he was actually sitting on a sleeping bag with a bowl of strawberries next to a chilled bottle of champagne. He reached for her hand and pulled her down to sit with him. She placed herself between his legs and wrapped herself in the warmth his body provided. Completely content, she shut her eyes and let the stress of the day disappear. When she opened her eyes again, she saw a strawberry in one of her husband's hands. Never one to turn away an offering of her favorite fruit, she happily took a bite of it.

It was a chilly night, so she pulled her feet into her body to shield them from the cold. At that moment, her husband's other hand produced a pair of pink fuzzy socks. She still couldn't believe how well he knew her--knew that her feet were always the first part of her body to get cold and that these socks were her favorite of the bunch. She knew she married him for a reason.

She pulled his arms around her and sank deeper into his embrace. Once her head was resting comfortably against his chest he bent his head down and whispered into ear, "Happy Anniversary, baby."

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

How do you know when it's time to harvest the growing gifts in your life?

I know I said I wanted to find a different picture prompt generator, but after seeing yesterday's pic I had a little hope that things might work out with this one. Ummmm...wth? Maybe it's because I'm in a not-so-sunshiny mood this week, but this does not inspire me. I guess if I felt more creative today I could ignore the question and just focus on coming up with a story based on the photo, but sadly, my imagination is on the fritz today. I feel a little tired and rundown. I blame the coming of the curse. So, instead of talking about harvesting my life's gifts I'm talking about life's curses. Wow, I think I need to go to bed. Maybe I'll get a better prompt or more energy next week.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

He finally understood the paradox of choice.

He had all these choices, options he never thought possible before right in front of him, yet he had no idea what to do. He didn't know what he wanted, didn't know what he needed, he just knew that he had to make a choice soon. He thought he wanted this--all of it--but now that he had it all, he wasn't so sure about any of it. He had the freedom, all the possibilities in the world at the tips of his fingers, but he'd never felt so trapped in his entire life.

Monday, October 19, 2009


Directions: Describe a responsibility you'd like to pass along to someone else. What responsibility of theirs would you willingly take on in return.

I'd really like to hand over my bill-paying responsibilities to someone else. I'm so tired of paying others and not having anything left. I'd gladly take on my sister's responsibility of getting a college degree. It as pretty simple the first time. I think I could do it again a second time. Piece of cake. She can pay my bills. :)

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

My neck keeps getting redder.

Although, I suppose sitting out in the sun doesn't help the situation. Putting on sunblock didn't cross my mind this morning only because I'd never really gotten a sunburn. Normally, I just get darker, but for some reason the sun has decided to declare war on me today. I borrowed some sunblock from my friend, but it seems that my counteroffensive came too late. The damage has been done and now I have dry, peeling skin to look forward gross. Lesson definitely learned.

Monday, October 12, 2009

F word

Directions: Type a four-letter F word (not that one) and then see where that word takes you as you write for a minute.

FORT. When I was a little girl I used make a fort out of my yellow and white crocheted blankie. It was my safe haven--my place to go when I needed to nap with my stuffed animals. Man, that was a great fort. I wish I could make one right now.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

HIgh school reminds you of...

...a time when I had direction and purpose. I knew who I was and what I wanted in life. I had plans and goals I believed could be attained. I thought I could do and be anything. I was less afraid to take risks...more fearless. If there was something I wanted to do, I just did it. I'm not saying high school was a piece of cake or that I'd want to relive it again, but I wish I could have a little piece of that girl back. She had motivation and drive, which I am seriously lacking at the moment.

I realize I'm a lot wiser now, smarter about some of the decision I make, but I also find that I'm less likely to take risks and more willing to identify my limitations. Or maybe those limitations are really excuses. I've become so afraid of everything, I just give up before even trying, but that wasn't always the case.

I used to run for class office even though I never really had a chance of winning. I tried out for commencement speeches even though I was never chosen. I ran track even though I'd never won an event. Winning and losing back then was never the goal--it was always just doing it, and if I did then I succeeded. I wanted to be able to say, "I did that once upon a time," and not wonder "what if." Now, I feel like "what ifs" are all I have.

I suppose it's not too late to fix that--I haven't quite reached my twilight years yet. I know what I should do. I know what needs to be done. But fear is powerful and it bullies the logic in my head until it's silenced and leaves me feeling numb.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

The Office Wedding

The highly anticipated TV wedding of the year did not disappoint. It had classic Office moments and everything was just as I'd thought it would be. The opening was a little hard for me to stomach only because other people regurgitating makes me a little queasy, but other than that, I had a great time watching it.

Jim and Pam are one of my favorite TV couples of all time. In my eyes the way their relationship progressed was right on and Jim's toast summed it up just perfectly:

"Four years ago I was just a guy who had a crush on a girl who had a boyfriend, and I had to do the hardest thing that I had ever had to do, which was just to wait. Don't get me wrong, I flirted with her. Pam, I can now admit in front of friends and family that I do know how to make a photo copy...didn't need your help that many times. And do you remember how long it took you to teach me how to drive a stick? I've been driving stick since high school. For a really long time that's all I had. I just had little moments with a girl who saw me as a friend. And a lot of people told me I was crazy to wait this long for a date with a girl who I worked with, but I think even then I knew that I was waiting for my wife."

Unfortunately, it was ruined by his slip-up and Michael's cringeworthy attempt to fix the situation. It was so embarrassing I actually covered my eyes and curled up in a ball on my couch. Andy's injured scrotum, MeeMaw threatening to leave, and Pam ripping her veil all contributed to a wedding weekend to remember. Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse, the opening notes of "Forever" filled the church and dancing hell broke loose. At first I just shook my head in disbelief, but as each one of our beloved characters danced down the aisle and Jim and Pam just continued to give each other their trademark looks, I couldn't help think just how perfect it made this wedding.

Other great highlights:
  • The dance-off at Andy's honeymoon suite party  
  • Dwight the womanizer
  • I thought their mental snapshot bit was cute--very Jim and Pam.
  • Kevin and Oscar being mistaken as a couple
  • Kevin's wedding ensemble complete with hairpiece and Kleenex box shoes
  • Dwight's turtle wedding present
  • Jim and Pam running off to get married by the falls
  • Michael hanging out with MeeMaw and possibly spending time with Pam's mom
I think this episode just proved that it doesn't matter if everything doesn't go according to plan on your wedding day, as long as you have fun...and a plan C.

Friday, October 9, 2009

10 Things that Make Me Happy Are...

In no particular order:

1. Puppies. They love you unconditionally and they're always happy to see you. I love snuggling with my sister's puppies. Even though they're not big fluffy furballs, there's just something about having them near me that just instantly brightens my mood. No matter what they're always by your side loving you. How could that not make anyone happy?

2. A good movie. There's nothing like walking out of a movie theater completely satisfied. It somehow motivates you and wants to do things. It makes you think. It inspires you. It makes want to talk with others. It makes me want to own it and watch it over and over again just so I can always have that feeling.

3. Ice cream. Mint chip to be exact. There's something comforting about a big bowl of mint chip on a winter's day bundled up in blankets in front of the TV. I love that combination of mint and chocolate in my mouth--something I just can't seem to get enough of, which always means a second bowl. My entire life this ice cream has been my comfort food, and I don't think that will ever change.

4. California. It's my home, and it will always be my home. The weather is nice most of the year, you can do just about anything you want, and the bulk of my friends and family are there--it's impossible not to be happy every time I go home.

5. Finding a bargain. I love the rush I get when I see something I really want for a dirt cheap price. It's better than drugs or alcohol, at least in my opinion. To this day, my best find is definitely my Vera Wang dress for $20. I have worn it yet, but one day I will and I guarantee I will be very happy.

6. Friends & Family. They can piss me off once in a while (especially family) but for the most part, these people make me happier than any other group of people on this planet. From their unique quirks to their offbeat personalities, they're what make my life worthwhile. Without them, happiness probably wouldn't exist much in my world.

7. Strawberries. My favorite natural food. There's nothing better than sinking your teeth into a perfectly ripened strawberry or driving by a strawberry field. It's magical. This is probably one of the reason why I love summer so much.

8. Television. Many refer to it as the boob tube or a time-sucker/life-sucker, but I like to think of it as an old friend. It cheers me when I have a bad day, teaches me things I never knew before, let's me have a good cry, gives me things to think about and lets me escape when I need to most.

9. Teddy bears. I still have my favorite childhood bear to this day. He's ratty and old and gone through one too many washer and dryer cycles, but he's mine and I'd never give him away. When I'm sad or scared or stressed I reach for one of my teddy bears and somehow it's able to make me a little better. It's like all that fluff and fur absorbs whatever is troubling me and allows me to think a little more clearly. Besides, just like puppies, how could not want to grab it and hug it?

10. A fun song. There are just some songs that make you want to move, whether it's getting up and dancing or bopping your head to the beat. Who hasn't belted out a tune from Grease or danced around to a classic 80s Madonna song and found themselves smiling and laughing by the end of it? They're infectious and I, for one, am so thankful they exist. It's good to be silly sometimes.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

The 25 Best Things About Me Are...

I may have to change Thursday's prompt site only because I'm not sure how I feel about these prompts. I don't think I gave them a proper evaluation only because I didn't want to ruin future writing prompts for myself. Since I am trying to maintain a strict schedule with this thing I'll do this one and find a more adequate one this weekend. Of course, the main reason for the switch is I absolutely hate prompts like the one today. This is going to be a painful exercise, but I guess it must be done. No easy out for me, so here we go:

1. I'm a good listener.
2. I'm patient.
3. I'm a good worker.
4. I'm good at finding bargains.
5. I make yummy cookies.
6. I can make my parents' ribs.
7. I can connect all types of entertainment devices together.
8. I'm loyal.
9. I can get from point A to point B.
10. I'm good at managing interns.
11. I'm reliable.
12. I can eat just about anything.
13. I can adapt to most situations.
14. I can take direction.
15. I'm independent.
16. I can put together Ikea furniture by myself.
17. My hair
18. My ability to look at things from different angles and points of view.
19. I'm supportive.
20. I walk fast.
21. I'm a tough cookie.
22. My ability find solutions.
23. I take care of others.
24. I have a lot of interests.
25. I'm hopeful.

OMG...that was sooooo painful. Thank goodness it's over. Now I can sit back and get ready for a long night of television. Note to self: Don't forget to find new Thursday prompts!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Picture Prompt #1

When powerful feelings overwhelm me, they're never really bright, happy, sparkly feelings. The force deep within me is usually rage. I know this is a problem, and I think over the years I've made improvements in terms of reigning it in, but's always there, threatening to bubble up to the surface. I suppose it runs in the family. My father's temper could be triggered by the smallest thing, and when he blew, you knew you had to find cover. The weird thing is, underneath it all--the rage and darkness--there's this eternal hope that won't seem to die. Does that make me a closet optimist?

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Everything was overcooked, slightly burned.
We ate in silence.

So much had happened over the last few days. I knew my emotions were taking over everything, even my cooking. We used to enjoy these Sunday dinners, laughing and watching whatever showed up on the television first as we flipped through the channels. It was a tradition. But somehow, my confession had made our lighthearted meal an awkward encounter. I didn't really know what to say mainly because I had no idea what was going on his head. So I just picked at my more-than-crispy chicken and lifeless broccoli. Even my salad seemed to be lacking its normal crunch. Yes, in one fell swoop I had ruined our relationship and it could all be summed up in this pathetic excuse for dinner.

Not wanting to endure this torture any longer, I picked up my plate and went to the kitchen. I wasn't really all that hungry anyway. I could feel his questioning eyes following me, but I didn't feel like I owed him an explanation. He already knew how I felt. The ball was in his court. After depositing the remains of my plate into the garbage and loading the dishwasher, I decided to retreat to my room. I didn't know what else to do. I sat on the bed wishing things could have turned out differently. I wish he would have said something, anything, instead of sitting there stunned and from what I could tell, a little horrified. He made no effort to comfort me, to let me know everything was going to be OK. Instead, he turned around without a word and walked out the door. Tonight was his first night home since our talk. He didn't say much, and I didn't really feel like putting up a fight so I let it go and decided to cook dinner in an attempt to achieve some sort of normalcy. So much for that plan.

A soft knock at the door brought me out of my daze, and I looked up to see him leaning against the doorway, his arms crossed and his forehead creased. This was my indication that he was ready for to talk. I nodded, letting him know it was OK, and he sat down on the bed next to me. He took my hand in his and I stared at our joined hands. It felt good to have some sort of physical contact with him again. Even though there was so much tension between us, for some reason this small gesture comforted me, made me feel safe. I felt his head turn toward me so I lifted my own to look at him. The minute my eyes met his I knew everything would be OK, and a second later he confirmed it by squeezing my hand tightly. Then he smiled and excitedly said, "We're having a baby."

Monday, October 5, 2009

What makes you feel comforted when you're sick?

Comfy PJs, a warm fluffy blanket and my teddy bear always make me feel a little better. I love sitting on the couch and just zoning out on whatever is on the television. And of course my mom--she always makes everything better.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

The Plan

In an attempt to keep myself on a regular writing schedule, I've decided to create this writing space. Each day I will use a different prompt to get the creative juices flowing. Here's my schedule and the prompt sites I'm using:

Monday: One-Minute Writer
Tuesday: Toasted Cheese
Wednesday: 365 Daily Photo Prompts
Thursday: All About Me Writing Prompts
Friday: List of 10 Writing Prompts
Saturday: Best TV Show This Week Writing Prompt (my own writing exercise)
Sunday: The Imagination Prompt Generator

Tomorrow is Day One. Wish me luck!